Historic Okehazama Battlefield Park | Nagoya City | Aichi Prefecture | Official Site | Sightseeing Information | Directions | Parking | Details | AichiNow-OFFICIAL SITE FOR TOURISM AICHI

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Nagoya-City Historic Okehazama Battlefield Park

An important turning point in Japanese history

The Battle of Okehazama was fought on the outskirts of Nagoya City in 1560, when 2,500 samurai under local warlord Oda Nobunaga attacked and defeated a larger invading army of 25,000 under Imagawa Yoshimoto at a ratio of ten to one!

Imagawa Yoshimoto (1519–1560), a powerful warlord based in modern-day Shizuoka, had become daring enough to make an attempt on the capital, Kyoto. To do so required steamrolling across the provinces. One of which was Owari, where today's city of Nagoya is located, and belong to the charismatic Oda Nobunaga. Imagawa took the vitally important Tokai Road, entering Nobunaga’s territory and camped just outside of modern day Nagoya in an area known as Dengaku Hazama, near the village of Okehazama.

Nobunaga could only raise 2,500 men. He left his castle at Kiyosu and traveled through Atsuta Jinja Shrine where he prayed for victory before arriving at Zenshoji Temple, fortified and overlooking the Imagawa force's camp site. Nobunaga ordered his men to set up war flags and banners around the temple to give the appearance of a much larger army in residence.

The attack

The Imagawa forces were celebrating their recent victories over a number of smaller Oda-held castles with sake and food. Using a thunderstorm to mask their movements, the Oda troops left the Zenshoji Temple and made their way down from hills above the small valley, and struck hard at the heart of the Imagawa camp.

Imagawa Yoshimoto was in his tent-like war camp enclosure when he heard the first of the fighting. Thinking it was a drunken brawl amongst his men, he left the camp to investigate, and was shocked to see Oda troops bearing down on him. Imagawa fought off one attack by a spear-wielding Oda samurai, cutting through the spear thrust at him, and into the man's leg. He was then tackled by a second Oda samurai, who promptly took his head. Imagawa Yoshimoto was just 41 years old.

The battle raged for a short while afterwards, but with their leader having been dispatched early, and all but two of the senior officers killed, the remaining men surrendered. Nobunaga's 2,500 troops had defeated an army of 25,000!

This was one of the most significant turning points in Japanese history.
The battle saw the end of the powerful Imagawa clan, while Nobunaga took his first steps towards ruling the nation before being assassinated in 1582. It also allowed the freedom of one of the Imagawa clan's prized hostages, a man who would eventually become shogun and unifier of Japan: Tokugawa Ieyasu!

The battle site today and the much-awaited Okehazama Battlefield Tourist Information Center

The Historic Okehazama Battlefield is now a park with panels, explanations, and guides walking you through the historic battle. The new Okehazama Battlefield Tourist Information Center, opened in 2019, lets you try on armor and capture the moment with commemorative photos. And of course, materials relating to the battle as well as warrior and character Okewanko merchandise is available for purchase.
Use the Center as base for your walk through the Historic Okehazama Battlefield and a chance to gain an even further understanding of the epic fight.

Operating hours: 10:00 am–4:00 pm (closed at times during summer vacation and the year-end and new year holiday)
Address: 2037 Makiyama, Okehazama, Midori-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi


  • Souvenirs
  • Wi-Fi
Location : 〒458-0913
3-chome, Okehazama-Kita, Midori-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi
Fee : Free of charge

• Prices are subject to change. Check the official site, etc. for the most up-to-date information.
days / hours
: All day, every day
Parking : Available at the Okehazama Battlefield Tourist Information Center. No parking at the Historic Okehazama Battlefield Park.
Restrooms : Available
Holidays : None
Phone number : 052-755-3593 (Okehazama Battlefield Tourist Information Center)
Note : Okehazama Battlefield Tourist Information Center available as of 2019 and offers a parking lot as well as restrooms.

Note: This page may not be current due to update time differences between site databases.
Should accuracy be critical, please verify this information using a direct source, whenever possible.

Barrier-free information


  • Access by public transport
    Access by public transport
    From Arimatsu Station on the Meitetsu Nagoya Line (board from Meitetsu Nagoya Station), take the Nagoya City Bus's Naruko 13, Arimatsu 12, Kosoku 1, or Midori Loop Line. Get off at Makuyama Bus Stop and walk 1 min. (170 m) southeast.

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#Historic Okehazama Battlefield Park
#Oda Nobunaga
#Imagawa Yoshimoto
#Zenshoji Temple
#Okehazama Battlefield Tourist Information Center


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