Katakuri Asian Fawnlily Colony of Asuke | Toyota City | Aichi Prefecture | Official Site | Sightseeing Information | Directions | Parking | Details | AichiNow-OFFICIAL SITE FOR TOURISM AICHI

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Toyota-City Katakuri Asian Fawnlily Colony of Asuke

Date : Mid-March to early-April

  • Katakuri Asian Fawnlily Colony of Asuke

The astounding Asian Fawnlily colony of Korankei

The district of Asuke in Toyota-City never ceases to amaze! There’s charming Asuke Old Town, Korankei autumn leaves, Chuma Hina Dolls event, Sakura cherry blossoms, and last but definitely not least, the amazing colony of Asian fawnlilies, known in Japan as Katakuri plants (Erythronium japonicum), that when blossoming turns into a spectacular show of nature! Akin to the more common trout lilies, the cute flowers' colony is located on the northwest slopes of Mt. Iimori. Blossoming between mid-March to early April, in that time the spot attracts flocks of visitors who come eager to set their eyes on the vast flowering area. Before departing, check the weather and seek sunny days, as those delicate blossoms won’t show their grace on rainy or cloudy days. We also recommend comfortable shoes for rugged terrain and outdoor attire.

Katakuri plants are said to take between seven to eight years to mature and start budding, but since a long time ago, the native lilies that only scarcely covered the terrain were nurtured and protected and the colony reached its current impressive size. As such, nowadays the flowering is quite uniform and appealing. Due to its delicate nature and strict conditions for blossoming - warm, dry days with soft sun light - witnessing them when they flower adds to an already fulfilling experience.

Besides fawnlilies, the spot also features Kikuzaki-Ichige (Anemone pseudoaltaica - although named "Kiku", which means chrysanthemum, it's of the buttercup family), Navelwort "Yamaruriso" (Omphalodes japonica), Flaccid Anemone "Nirinso" (Anemone flaccida), "Nabewari" (Croomia heterosepala), "Hitori-Shizuka" (Chloranthus japonicus), and in early summer, "Shaga-no-Hana" (Iris japonica). Together, these flowers form the group of "Spring Ephemerals" - perennial varieties that swiftly sprout and blossom in spring, dying and receding to their underground parts before early summer arrives.

Quick fact: In Japan, the starch food staple is named “katakuriko” (katakuri flour), for in olden times the product was extracted from this plant’s bulbs. Nowadays, all the starch in the market comes from potatoes, but the old term related to the plants continues to be used to this day!


  • Multipurpose toilet
  • Souvenirs
  • Parking
  • Restaurant
Date : Mid-March to early April
*: May change depending on weather conditions.
Place : Korankei, Asuke-cho (Mt. Iimori)
Location : 〒444-2424
Asuke-cho, Toyota-City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Fee : Free of charge
Parking : Available (Korankei Parking Lot), paid (500 yen/car, cap. 670 cars)
Restrooms : Available
Phone number : 0565-62-1272 (Asuke Tourist Association)

Note: This page may not be current due to update time differences between site databases.
Should accuracy be critical, please verify this information using a direct source, whenever possible.


  • Access by public transport
    Access by public transport
    1-From Nagoya Station, board the Higashiyama Line subway and alight at Fushimi Station.
    2-Change trains to the Tsurumai Line bound for Akaike and Toyotashi (may require changing trains again in Akaike - if changing trains in Akaike is not desirable, board the train bound for Toyotashi Station from Fushimi Station).
    3-Alight at Toyotashi Station and, from the East Gate Bus Platforms, board the Meitetsu Bus bound for Asuke (足助[鞍ヶ池公園前・香嵐渓経由]Asuke Kuragaike-koen-mae, Korankei Keiyu - Asuke via Kuragaike Park and Korankei).
    4-Ride for 45 min. (800 yen) and get off at Korankei (香嵐渓).
    (Reference: http://www.meitetsu-bus.co.jp/rosen/index)
  • Access by car
    Access by car
    Approx. 15 min. (9.4km) eastwards from Chikaraishi I.C. of the Sanage Green Road via Route 153, or;
    Approx. 20 min. (13km) eastwards from Toyota-Kanpachi I.C. of the Tokai Loop Expressway via Route 153.

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#Katakuri Asian Fawnlily Colony of Asuke
#Asuke no Katakuri Gunsei
#Asian Fawnlily
#Early Spring Blossoms
#Flowery Fields
#Mt. Iimori


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