Higashiura Vineyards Grape Picking (Higashiura Budogari) | Higashiura Town | Aichi Prefecture | Official Site | Sightseeing Information | Directions | Parking | Details | AichiNow-OFFICIAL SITE FOR TOURISM AICHI

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Higashiura-Town Higashiura Vineyards Grape Picking
(Higashiura Budogari)

Date : 8/19–Mid-Sep, 2023

  • Higashiura Vineyards Grape Picking
  • Higashiura Vineyards Grape Picking
  • Higashiura Vineyards Grape Picking
  • Higashiura Vineyards Grape Picking

Freshly picked sweet Higashiura grapes

Higashiura's Morioka area of the Chita Peninsula is home to an astounding near 30 vineyards providing an abundant produce of 21 varieties. From the end of July to mid-September, they open their gates to who wants to come and enjoy the sweet flavors of freshly picked Higashiura grapes!

Tips on getting the most out of the grapes

How to find the most delicious grapes
1. Search for mature grapes on healthy vines with dark blooms on their surface.
2. Grapes whose area near the stem have color are packed with sweetness.
3. If the stem is green and has recently been cut, it is fresh with plenty of juice.
4. When the fruit itself matures, so does the seed. If the seed is brown, it's a good indicator that the fruit is sweet.

How to store your grapes
1. Store grapes in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator if it has one. If you put the grapes into a paper bag and in turn a sealed Ziplock bag, they will keep for about 10 days.
2. Separate stems while still leaving the grapes on, put them into a tupperware or similar container, and store them in the semi-frosting drawer in your refrigerator for sherbet-consistency grapes. (If you pull the grapes from the stems, their juices escape, resulting in less sweetness.

Direct sellers of Higashiura Morioka grapes

1. Yamabiko Budoen 2. Yamakan Budoen 4. Marusada Budoen 5. Sotoyama Noen 6. Maruhachi Budoen 7. Mizuno Farm 8. Mase Farm 9. Fukaya Budoen 10. Hamajima Budoen 11. Achiha Budoen 12. Marutomi Budoen (Eco Farmer) 14. Nanyoen 15. Onishi Budoen 16. Mase Budoen 18. Ishida Noen 19. Shimizu Budo (Eco Farmer) 20. Yamakatsu Budoen (Eco Farmer) 21. Sugihara Budoen 22. Yamasen Noen 24. Hayashi Grape Farm 25. Seki Budoen 26. Sawada Budoen 27. Hirabayashi Budoen 28. Maruhira Budoen 29. Hiramatsu Budoen 30. Budoya Kato


  • Souvenirs
  • Parking
Date : Sat, Aug 19–Mid-Sep, 2023
Location : 〒470-2100
Higashiura-cho, Chita-gun, Aichi
Fee : Admission fee
Adults (junior high school ages and older): JPY 1,700
Seniors (65 years of age and older): JPY 1,400
Children (elementary school ages and older): JPY 1,200
Young children (4 years of age and older): JPY 500

• Groups (of 20 or more) can receive a uniform discount of JPY 100 off.
• Prices are subject to change. Check the official site, etc. for the most up-to-date information.
Parking : Available (approx. 10 spaces per vineyard)
Restrooms : Simple lavatory and washing installations at each vineyard
Phone number : Phone numbers, etc. available from the "List of Higashiura Vineyards (Japanese)" link below

Note: This page may not be current due to update time differences between site databases.
Should accuracy be critical, please verify this information using a direct source, whenever possible.


  • Access by public transport
    Access by public transport
    20- to 30-min. (depending on the chosen vineyard) walk west from Ogawa Station on the JR Taketoyo Line (board from Nagoya Station).
  • Access by car
    Access by car
    Approx. 10 min. northeast from Higashiura Chita Interchange on Chitahanto Road via Route 23.

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#Higashiura Vineyards Grape Picking
#Higashiura grapes
#grape picking
#Morioka grapes


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