When can I post?
Posts can be made from 17 October 2016 to 31 January 2017.
Am I qualified to participate?
If you have a picture of yourself, either alone or with other people, taken during a trip to Aichi Prefecture, you can participate - just make sure it was taken on or after 1 January 2016. Also, you must agree with the simple rules listed on this page.
What kind of pictures may I post?
Any pictures that shows you while traveling around Aichi Prefecture. Make sure you appear on the photos. As long as it is within Aichi any picture will do. Being taken at a sightseeing spot is good but not necessary: you may take it while eating, etc. Use your imagination!
How can I participate?
Post a picture to a SNS of your choice including the hashtag “#aichinowsp” in the caption text AND follow/like at least one of our accounts/pages.
Which SNS services can I use?
You may use Facebook, Instagram or X.
How can I reach the Aichi Now accounts/pages in order to follow/like them?
Search for our accounts/pages on Facebook - @aichinow, @aichikanko, @AichiNowTW, on Instagram - @aichi_now, or on X - @AichiNow_en, @AichiNow_ch, @AichiNow_jp.
What are the web sites for this promotion?
Will my picture be chosen?
The Aichi Now Secretariat will manually select the photographs submitted and add them to the web gallery at www.aichi-now.jp. Non-relevant pictures may not be chosen - we thank you in advance for the understanding.
What are the terms for participation?
•When you post your picture, it is understood that both photographer and photographed subjects alike consent to the use of the image for the purposes of this promotion. Therefore, it is also understood that the person who took the picture, as well as the persons on the picture, all agree to these terms.
•Aichi Prefecture, promoter of this campaign, reserves the right to use the photographs free of any charge or compensation upon their submission, being also understood that by submitting you agree to grant the right of using them for other purposes including granting to third-parties, such as travel agencies, and upon request, their use.
•Not all submitted pictures may fulfill the criteria for being displayed on our web sites or accounts/pages.
•You understand and agree that by submitting your photograph, your handle name on the SNS service used for the submission may be displayed online on our sites or accounts/pages.
•You understand and agree that some pictures may be edited in order to be displayed online on our sites or accounts/pages, as well as in other related materials.
•You understand and agree that When users share/like a post in our page/accounts that contains your picture, it may make it to be displayed on the feeds of other accounts.
•You understand and agree that people visiting our public pages may download your picture to their devices and we are limited in the actions available to us in order to stop them from using for other purposes.
•A picture with content that offends public order and morality, or is defaming or slandering, or that in any way is deemed to violate whatever privacy rights, or that configures as crime by infringing the law, cannot be submitted.
•You understand and agree that Aichi Prefecture cannot and will not take the blame for damages of whatever nature incurred to the you or third-persons resulting from the participation in this promotion, nor for any damaged originated from the use, or otherwise malfunction or interruption of the sites, services and its related systems.
•The Aichi Now privacy Policy applies to this promotion in its entirety When handling your personal information.
•Inquiries (via email only): info@aichi-now.jp (Aichi Now Secretariat)