- Aichi Prefecture using the power of globally influential CNN’s web site to advertise its tourism attractions.
World-renowned news channel CNN operates a web site boasting an access rate of 2.9 billion page views per month. In addition, as the USA Presidential Elections approaches its final stages in November, the already wide-covering site is sure to attract an even larger audience.
With this background, and taking advantage of the production and planning powers of CNN Create, CNN’s in-house production team, to its full potential, we appeal to the world the attractions of Aichi Prefecture as a flagship travel destination in Japan, with aim at enhancing Aichi’s visibility and branding, and consequentially increasing the number of foreign travelers visiting this region.
Promotion period:
From September 1st to November 30th, 2016
Promotion contents:
Original Web Site Banner (created in partnership with CNN Create) displayed on associated web sites (http://edition.cnn.com/ and http://us.cnn.com/) with links to Aichi Now (http://www.aichi-now.jp/).