Unusual Festivals of Aichi
Japan is known for its various cultural, historical festivals. Not all are as simple and as serious as you’d think, and Aichi has its fair share of unusual festivals too. Here are a few for you to enjoy!
Japan is known for its various cultural, historical festivals. Not all are as simple and as serious as you’d think, and Aichi has its fair share of unusual festivals too. Here are a few for you to enjoy!
The Tenteko Matsuri is a 900 year-old festival to pray for a bumper harvest of the five grains, held on January 3 every year. Men in red kimono hang a large daikon radish around their waist, then walk around thrusting their hips, and the swinging male-appendage radish, in a lewd manner, while singing “Tenteko, tenteko,..” A strange and amusing festival
Every freezing cold February, thousands of warmly dressed spectators line the avenue to the ancient Konomiya Shrine to watch the Hadaka Matsuri, the Naked Festival. Hundreds of men in only light cotton loincloths are splashed with cold water as they carry portable shrines, or try to touch the “Lucky Man”as he makes his way to the inner shrine.
A thrilling 1,200 year old fire festival, held at the Toba Shinmeisha Shrine, and featuring 2 great 5-ton blazing torches, with a ladder between the 2 torches the “chosen one” must climb through.
Komaki is a small, quite, industrial city just north of Nagoya, home to hard working salt-of-the earth type people. Not much happens in Komaki, and so annual Honen Festival, celebrating fertility and renewal, and featuring an absolutely huge votive penis is such a shocker!
It looks like something out of a fishy Godzilla movie, or a fishy version of King Kong! Giant land-based red Sea Bream up to 18 meters long and six meters high, charging and attacking each other in clouds of sand and being chased by near naked men before returning to the sea, where they splash and bob about!